Cervical screening is a test that looks for abnormal cells on the cervix. The cervix is the entrance to a woman’s womb.
Cervical screening is not a test for cancer it is a test for abnormal cells which can lead to cancer.
Screening picks up these abnormal cells at an early stage to prevent cancer.
Abnormal cells can lead to cancer of the cervix if they are not treated.
All women between the ages of 25 years and 64 years are eligible for cervical screening in England and Scotland.
Women aged 25 –49 years are offered screening every 3 years.
Women aged 50–64 years are offered screening every 5 years.
Women 65 years of age or older can be offered screening if:
- They have not had a cervical screening test since 50 years of age.
- A recent cervical screening test showed abnormal results.
Women who have never had sex may choose not to have cervical screening, as their risk of cervical cancer is low.
If you have an abnormal result from a cervical screening test you might be referred for colposcopy.
Colposcopy is where a doctor looks at your cervix with a microscope.
Treatment for abnormal cervical cells includes a doctor burning the cells away or using a thin wire to remove cells.
This treatment might be done at the same time as the colposcopy.
Click Here for more information.
When your cervical screening test is due you will be sent a letter. It is important for cervical screening to be carried out; please book an appointment with one of the Practice Nurses on arrival of your letter.